3 ways physician associates can ease GP Pressure

Still a relatively untapped resource, locum physician associates are providing vital, cost effective support for GP surgeries, says Nick Mattick of specialist workforce company Path Group

In general practice, rarely are the forces of demand balanced in perfect equilibrium – particularly when it comes to resources.

In 2022, the situation is arguably more imbalanced than ever, placing practices under growing pressure. As well as continuing to play a key role on the frontline of the response to Covid-19, GP’s are now also looking to manage ever increasing demand, vaccinations, catch up work, more f2f appointments, enhanced hours and more acutely unwell patients trying to avoid A&E bursting at the seams – all of which is not easy when juggling clinical team leave and struggling to recruit good team members of staff. (Not now monkey pox!!)

In situations such as this, locum doctors or nurses have typically provided the default stopgap solution. But because the relationship dynamic is tipped in their favour, this means practices are often locked into competition for their services and/or faced with having to pay ever increasing fees.

Thankfully, however there is an alternative option. Physician associates are healthcare professionals equipped with clinical training who work under the supervision of a doctor. Available on a locum or permanent basis, they provide a ready-made, ‘plug in’ cover to fill rota gaps, offering essential skills and a number of benefits.

1. Experienced resource available on-demand

Further to their training, physician associate locums build up experience in general practice settings to ensure they have the necessary skills to support your team. They are all fully compliant and available on-demand, whether you require an individual for an ad-hoc session or for a series of booked appointment over a longer period of time. At Path, we dont work with newly qualified Physician Associate’s to cover locum sessions; we know the importance of being able to rely on knowledgable staff who can hit the ground running.

2. low-risk route to evaluate future staffing options

You maybe interested in the idea of recruiting a physician associate but want to learn more about what they bring to the team. By employing a locum physician associate, you are provided not only with the opportunity to address immediate resourcing issues, but also the chance to see first-hand the value that a physician associate would deliver in the long run.

3. Flexible access to the right skills

Physician associate locums are trained in the day-to-day and ‘on the day’ tasks that are common to general practice. Tis includes conducting specialist clinics (such as hypertension, gastro and long term condition management) and extended hours and enhanced service clinics as well as first contact triage, minor surgery, care home or patient home visits, vaccination programmes and E-Consults (either on0site or remotely). Physician associates can even support the training and education of any students and trainees in your practice.

At Path, we have been working with Physician Associate in primary care for almost a decade across the areas of recruitment, training and service design. We work with practices to ensure they’re not just plugging a people gap, but sourcing cost effective, high quality contingency staff to maintain the level of care that your patients expect.

For more information or to find a Physician Associate locum to cover sessions at your practice or PCN, contact us today

[email protected] or call us 0330 118 5048