We are planning to run a webinar on CV writing and interview skills workshop for final year Physician Associate students. We are hoping to run the webinar in late August.

The workshop will help you create a strong CV, making you stand out from the crowd and ensure that your CV looks relevant to the jobs that you are applying. You will also learn some application and presentation tips, interview skills, applying for jobs via NHS jobs and a little bit of an insider view of the dark arts of recruitment.

The workshop is aimed at final year Physician Associate students, newly qualified Physician Associates or Physician Associates looking to brush up their CV before applying for a new job whether in General Practice, Hospitals, community or mental health.

Places are limited to ensure appropriate time for questions. However, if demand is high we will run the workshop a number of times to accommodate as many students and newly qualified Physician Associates as possible.

The workshop is free as long as you are, or intending to be a Physician Associate.

For all non-Physician Associates/non-Physician Associate students the cost is £25.

Ideally, you might want to have your CV to hand to make notes as we go through the workshop.

To register for the workshop please email [email protected] You will also receive a free CV writing guide for Physician Associates.